Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why you contract when what you want is before you

So often people set goals for themselves and for many of the goals they target, they may not have a strong belief that it could really become a reality. This is because in the conscious mind they have the desire, however, in the subconscious mind there could be a belief that it is not really possible because of perceptions built upon past experiences.

I will give you an example. One of your goals might be to have a loving, supportive relationship. However, if in your past you have had abusive relationships or a relationship where you have felt betrayed, then you are more than likely to have a subconscious belief that tells you the opposite of what you desire.

The more you focus on statements that affirm your goal and images that affirm your goal, the more you will be calling up the old perceptions and beliefs. The way that this can play out sometimes is if you are finally faced with someone who has the ability to relate to you in the way that matches your goal or desire for a great relationship, the more you might feel what I term a contraction. You feel yourself becoming frozen, withdrawing and sometimes scared or nervous in a very obvious way. This is usually a reaction (re acting to something that really comes from your past, not your present).

This is a wonderful experience because it is telling you that you are about to manifest or experience what it is you have been wanting! However, in order to allow it you are are being called to expand and grow beyond where you have previously been.

If you are experiencing a contraction or locking up with an opportunity that is before you now, it could very well be because what is before you is exactly what you have been asking for! So, recognize that you are about to grow, free yourself from some of the false beliefs and past experiences and take the leap of faith and continue to move forwards.

Remember, the present is exactly that. A present! To see the gift you must first unwrap it.

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