Monday, July 27, 2009
What to do if your day is not going according to plan.
For most people the initial response is to feel stressed. This builds as the feeling of being outside of control takes place. Fears are then sparked. Fear of not enough time perhaps or bills might not be paid. It doesn't matter what the fear, they begin to seep through your system like a virus slowly taking over. Stress and anxiety grow like a creeper beginning to cover a wall.
Many things in life can be controled. Occasionally a spanner is thrown in the works and it is at that time a choice needs to be made. The choice is to let go and accept!
If your day has become disrupted from how you wanted it to be or how you had planned it to be, then the first thing to do is recognize it is out of your control. What is in your control is how you choose to think and ultimately how you choose to respond. Next find a way to express your frustration by either sharing it with someone or writing it down or simply saying your frustration out loud. This action taken enables you to acknowledge the truth of how you are feeling, rather than pretending and denying. It starts the process of taking it out of your system.
The next thing you need to do is recognize that you cannot control what is unfolding so simply embrace that fact! If you keep complainging, all you are doing is denying the fact that you cannot change what is taking place. This is the moment of surrender. Ultimately everything happens for a reason and sometimes you cannot see that reason at the time.
With each step taken you are bringing yourself back in to the present. The now moment. Accept that what needs to be done, will be done in another now moment. Face what is taking place now and move through it quicker by being present with it.
If you have a very clear vision of your ultimate outcome and you have the faith, not fear, that the ultimate outcome will take place, then why stress?
Every moment is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to relax. Relax the grip of expectation!
As you do this, you will begin to re-align with your flow and open up your vision to what opportunities or gifts might be on offer. What you wanted to do or what you wanted to achieve will still be there for you regardless of what is taking place now.
The thing you can control, is letting go of always having to be in control.
Fear belongs in the past. Faith is for the future. The greatest gift of all is being in the present. After all, things are not always as they might seem!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Opportunity or distraction
Wow. The feeling starts to build within you that this can indeed become a reality, possibly it will be your reality! You feel excited after your initial questioning and doubt. You dared to dream and you dared to start taking action and becoming disciplined in achieving the mindset, emotions and outcomes. You have transitioned from "can I" to "I can." All is starting to feel exciting and filled with the feeling of possibility.
Suddenly you are presented with another possibility. You think to yourself that maybe it is an opportunity! Know this for certain. It is either an opportunity to help you fullfill your vision or it could very well be a distraction. I call this devils advocate. Right before you are about to achieve something significant in regards to your vision, something gets placed upon your path in order for you to get clear on what you really do want. What is aligned with your heighest values and do you really believe you can achieve your vision?
So, at this point in time you might very well be asking "how do I know what is opportunity and what is distraction?" There is a process you can take yourself through to come out the other side of this question, with an answer. It is the combination of logic and intuition. Mind and heart.
1st you need to be open and prepared to stretch beyond your comfort zone. Be open to possibility.
2nd Be aware that the more you implement your positive statements you will eventually be confronted with the old limiting beliefs. This is your moment of empowerement and change.
3rd Review and get very clear on what is your vision for yourself? Break down your vision and ask the question in regards to each section "is this truly important to me?" For example you may have a vision for success, financial wealth and a passion for a particular career. Is the fianancial wealth more important than what you do to achieve that wealth? Or, is the heighest on your value list what you do in order to create the financial wealth?
4th Make a list of pro's and con's for the opportunity/distraction before you.
5th sit quietly and take in deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Really drop the jaw when breathing out. This is a breathe that connects you to your Truth and intuition. As the question "does this serve my heighest purpose and vision for myself?" Become aware what you feel in your body. If you feel something in your chest upwards, the answer is yes. If you feel it lower, the answer is no. If you feel something rush from the base up to the heigher centres, the answer is you are afraid, yet do it anway.
6th Take the same question and ask it just before you go to sleep, stating that the answer will be the first thought on your mind upon waking.
7th You can sit and call up the two aspects of yourself. The one that chose to take the opportunity and the aspect that did not. Just like having a conversation with someone, ask each aspects questions about their choices, where it led them and do they regret their choice. This is a very powerful process and you need to trust that the thoughts and feelings you receive are indeed real answers.
8th Your discipline and programming that you have been doing previously to align with your vision has been activating your RAS (reticulare activating system) This is programmed to align your awareness with signs and opportunities that are congruent with your vision. There for listen and be open to the things that stand out that are signs and answers to your question.
9th Put all of the above information together and there is your answer. Very clearly, beyond doubt and when you are beyond doubt, you do not live with regret.
By utilising the above strategy you have made a well informed decision. An empowered and unified decision. You have harnessed logic and intuition!
Finally. Be aware that what is before you is either an opportunity or a distraction. There is no need to stress because you know the steps towards your outcome.
If it turns out to have been a distraction, celebrate. It means you are about to unfold in to more of your vison and achieve something in alignment with that vision. It has redefined for you the clarity and importance of your values and vision for yourself.
That quite simply adds power to your outcome!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
INSIGHT July 2009
Full moon amplifies things by 40% and enables us to see in to the spaces
or places that we have not been willing, or able to see. It is a powerful opportunity to create healing. Read this message, take your time to hear the message being spoken to you and get clear on your intent. As you face things this month, I suggest you refer back to this insight message and see if it has answers and guidance contained within the message that help and support you along your journey.
We are experiencing an eclipse, which means that the Earth is blocking out the sun’s rays upon the moon. The alignment of the sacred three! This makes it a very powerful time to set your intent to heal, nourish and invigorate.
This is a powerful time for the Divine Union. Self - love is very important and it is time to take a look within and see how you are treating yourself. There is the promise of a new beginning. If you take the time to connect and reflect on your inner world, then it can potentially become a powerful time for renewal and inspiration.
Harness this powerful energy and utilize it to release guilt and blame. Be cleansed by the waters and bring forth new life, new creative ideas and insights. The rewards are all there waiting for you to claim them, are you willing to go in to the inner cave and claim them? Or, will you hide, withdraw and make your days so busy that you stay feeling confused, uncertain or scattered?
Do not completely isolate yourself. Go within, seek the help of the mentor/healer and make contact with your own inner guru to emerge feeling rejuvenated, inspired and action orientated. Bursting forth with the energy of new life.
This is a powerful time to dissolve the past. Dissolve the illusions that became intrusions!
Take a moment to look at what your unique gifts are and anchor them in to this world by living, breathing and expressing them. Take ownership and acknowledge your Divine connection.
This is not the time to doubt. Embrace your inner Light and potential. Self illuminate and validate. As you validate your self, the outer world will reflect this back to you, showing you that you are on the right path.
Do not hide in the shadows any longer. You have a massive opportunity for transformation.
There is a strong energy of Love that is moving through you and through the world. A coming together! Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine, internal and external, the Divine father and mother, the union of Heaven and Earth, intuition and logic, Spirit and matter.
Are you going to allow these forces to come together or will you stand in the way? Any conflict you are experiencing with the men and women outside of yourself are truly reflections informing you of your own internal struggles around harmonising these forces within you.
This is a time of coming together. Harmony.
Just as the breath travels in and then out, so too are you being asked to move through your life. Take a moment to go within and then take direction and action to move out in to the world.
This is not the time to get caught purely in the external world of action or lost and withdrawn by staying internal and hidden.
You are here for a reason. You have a purpose and gifts to express. Now is the time to truly discover who you are, what you want and why you came.
Will you grasp this opportunity?
Love and Blessings
Kaye Doran
Shamanic Journey. If you wish to empower your healing experience, please contact me if you would like to share in a group journey where we discuss the insight message, get clear on the intent and then I take the group on a healing journey in aligning with your personal intent and open you to the healing process by working with my shamanic sound healing tools. The journey takes place each Wednesday evening closest to the full moon.
If you wish to join in and experience the power of the group, please email me on