Monday, August 23, 2010

August Insight 2010

Dreams and visions.

The past may be haunting you a little under the influence of this moon. Trying to take you back away from the present and attempting to taint your future. Stand strong.

Now is the time to push through superficial fears and take charge!

There may be moments of feeling loss and sadness as you emotionally move in and out of a foggy feeling, just as you will feel the moments of tremendous courage and strength.

You could also be overshadowed by a frustration with the present and moments of confusion about your future. Forge forward; ignite your passion and ambition with desire and assertion. Be careful not to get too focused or obsessed with some situations you may find yourself in.

Do not allow yourself to get stuck or stagnant over anything.

Do not be obsessive; be balanced.

If you start to feel frozen, forge forwards utilising your intuition. Trust in your gut instincts. To help develop this, you need to focus upon your meditation, exercise and self -nurturing.

It is possible to allow yourself to get caught up in illusions. Take time to take responsibility as this will help you navigate the internal mine field you may feel yourself walking through.

Keep anger in check and allow yourself to let go of the reins a little. Do not repeat old patterns. Recognise them for what they are. The past!

If you can navigate yourself through this influence keeping a firm focus on the positive and keep balanced, your rewards will be reaped in the coming months ahead.

Love and Blessings

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