Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A challenge is an opportunity

Sometimes life is challenging, very challenging and I hear many people ask "I do all the right things, I think positively and I visualize and I meditate. Why then do I still have to be challenged?"

It is very easy to talk the talk, have all the right books on the book shelf, however it is not as easy to walk the talk. This takes discipline and it also takes understanding. Life is about cycles and nature is demonstrating to you all the time the truths about your own life and your journey.

Just as a wave rises and falls, so too does your life. It is very easy to feel empowered when you are riding the crest of the wave. It is exhilarating! Yet that is not the place that you grow the most. This is the place that you celebrate after growing. Challenges ask you how much faith do you have, what do you really believe in and how much is integrated? Do you truly believe that goodness comes from the Universe even when you cannot see it at the time? Do you really believe that everything happens for a reason and that reason is leading you towards your desired outcome? Do you really believe that everything you need is always there for you and to be open to it when you have bills piling up?

These moments are the test of what you really align yourself with. They demonstrate to you what is really going on in your subconscious and in that, they are pointing you in the direction you most need to go.

It is also important to remember that just as you are about to receive you are also being asked to offer something up. Let go. Most people ask for more money or a better house and yet are not prepared to let go of the job they are in for fear of loss.

Perhaps you are at a point of stress and doubt because you are in truth about to burst forth in to new life. In child birth there is pressure moving you along the birth canal until final release comes. You are born in to the world. You do not change, yet your environment changes around you. Perhaps all you need to do is relax in to the process?

Sun comes up and sun goes down. Tide comes in and out. A wave rises and falls and the year is made up of four seasons. If you learn and understand the cycles you can relax knowing that all is as it should be. After all, you are being asked to become more of who you have believed yourself to be, and the way you know you have become more is to face and overcome the challenges you believe are before you.

When in doubt, ask?

Affirm your outcome. Visualize your outcome. Action your outcome and know that at the moment of challenge, you are being asked to let go and fly with faith.

Fear belongs with the past. Faith carries you to your future.

When you ride the crest of the wave, enjoy it knowing that it will finish and there will be the moment before the next wave lifts you up. If you are aware of how the cycle works, you cannot be disappointed. Be excited in the anticipation of the next uplifting.

Face your challenges and soon you will discover they are merely your opportunities.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why you contract when what you want is before you

So often people set goals for themselves and for many of the goals they target, they may not have a strong belief that it could really become a reality. This is because in the conscious mind they have the desire, however, in the subconscious mind there could be a belief that it is not really possible because of perceptions built upon past experiences.

I will give you an example. One of your goals might be to have a loving, supportive relationship. However, if in your past you have had abusive relationships or a relationship where you have felt betrayed, then you are more than likely to have a subconscious belief that tells you the opposite of what you desire.

The more you focus on statements that affirm your goal and images that affirm your goal, the more you will be calling up the old perceptions and beliefs. The way that this can play out sometimes is if you are finally faced with someone who has the ability to relate to you in the way that matches your goal or desire for a great relationship, the more you might feel what I term a contraction. You feel yourself becoming frozen, withdrawing and sometimes scared or nervous in a very obvious way. This is usually a reaction (re acting to something that really comes from your past, not your present).

This is a wonderful experience because it is telling you that you are about to manifest or experience what it is you have been wanting! However, in order to allow it you are are being called to expand and grow beyond where you have previously been.

If you are experiencing a contraction or locking up with an opportunity that is before you now, it could very well be because what is before you is exactly what you have been asking for! So, recognize that you are about to grow, free yourself from some of the false beliefs and past experiences and take the leap of faith and continue to move forwards.

Remember, the present is exactly that. A present! To see the gift you must first unwrap it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Banish the inner demon

All the positive statements you tell yourself are designed to call up the old opposing beliefs. This being true, remember to celebrate and hold firm when the old beliefs go eye ball to eye ball with you. Eventually the magic of your I AM's will banish the inner demon before you. Poof! The way before you is clear...

Tiny steps take you a great distance

If you ever feel overwhelmed as to what the next step is. Start from where you desire to be and work backwards. The answer will become clear. Remember, if you take many tiny steps you will eventually travel a great distance without it feeling like an effort.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Insight June 2009


Reap what you sow. This expression is especially prominent during this time. You will be faced with a reality check, as you will have to deal with the created repercussions of your past choices and actions.

This means that NOW is a perfect time to explore by travelling the inner realms. Especially through the power of focused prayer and meditation! It is now time to loosen your grip over old patterns and old beliefs that do not serve you or your spirit in the highest way.

It is time to be reminded that everything does happen for a reason and you are being asked to journey towards discovering what the reasons are.

There is a beautiful coming together of the physical and spiritual in the conscious mind. You are being given the opportunity, if you focus on the gift at hand to feel the connection more than you ever had in the past.

Have faith and allow yourself to be ignited by the quest and embrace your life and your spirit with enthusiasm and joy. Feel the hand of the Divine spirit lifting you up to a higher level of understanding. Reflect on what your deepest Truths are and remember that Love never leaves, it is always present.

Take the time to celebrate who you are, how you are and who you are becoming!

Make conscious choices. Choices made and actions taken with the union between your heart (spirit) and mind (physical). Create soulful choices.

You will feel the call of the quest for meaning. The desire to travel and explore!

Let go and allow the hand of God to take you and lead you in the direction of your hearts desire.

Enjoy the dance of optimism and union between your physical and spiritual self.

Journey to the inner realms, allow the education and return with a new found wisdom.

Remember to dance, celebrate and sing along the way.

Love and Blessings

Kaye Doran