Monday, August 24, 2009
This level of constant suppression and inner agitation becomes very toxic to the body and to the mind. It is all so unnecesary.
Did you know that you carry around with you a powerful tool that can help you to move through your emotions and stresses and alleviate you of the tension that builds up in the body, before it gets stored? It is called breathing.
Most believe that they are breathing and yes we all are. Most however are breathing to the bare minimum, just enough to keep themselves alive, however not deeply enough to keep themselves connected and rejuvinated. If you obseve most people and possibly even yourself, you might see that many are doing shallow breathing. Taking a breath when absolutely needed and only breathing in to the chest. When many become emotional or hurt, they almost hold their breath until it is absolutely required to breathe and again, only in to the chest.
The emotional energy is in the lower centres of our bodies and by shallow breathing, it is merely like dipping your toe in to the surface of the water and stating that you have been for a swim. No, you have not. Well, by not breathing in deeply to the lower body, you are only dipping yourself in to the surface of your feelings and not emersing yourself in and swimming to the other side. So, the energy has nowhere to go but to swirl around and around and around like a whirlpool. What the energy needs to do is to flow up and out. Be released.
Connected breath is taking in a nice, long, slow, deep breath, in through the nose. Holding that breath down at the base of the spine for a moment and then releasing it through the mouth. Not with pursed lips though, you will need to drop the jaw and allow the breath to fully release itself. If you purse your lips, that is a form of control. Women giving birth use the pursed lip technique to control. Connected breathing is about drawing in a positive breath and then drawing it down and connecting in to the energy and then drawing it up and out. This keeps you in touch with your self and your body, your feelings and also helps you to lift up and out any negative emotions or feelings.
Say for example you are in a meeting and someone says something that really irritates and angers you. You can feel the jaw locking up and the tension in the shoulders and chest. If you utilize your connected breathing technique you can move through the bodies reactive response and usually very quickly. If you are having a reactive response to anything, locate in the body where you feel it and breathe in to it and breathe it out from the body. Allow it to lift. By doing this you are acknowledging what you feel. This only takes a second, you are connecting, not denying the feeling and reaction and doing something proactive with it. You are destressing the system and therefore energizing it as well as keeping a clarity of mind to allow insight to emerge.
You do not have to keep the reaction in the body for you to be able to reflect upon your feelings. Why not move throug the feelings, bypass the stress response and then if you feel the need too, reflect with a clearer mind/body? Or, do you like the drama?
You do not need to be experiencing a negative reaction to utilize the power of connected breathing. In fact I suggest you integrate it in to your life, everyday. Make certain that you are taking in deep connected breaths as often as you can.
Usually when we experience an emotional and physical reaction to something or someone, it is because it has triggered an old memory in the body. You do not need to analyze it with your mind, this sometimes takes you away from it. Try connected breathing. Sometimes as you connected breathe in to something, the blocked feeling or tension in the body moves through the body, keep breathing in to the block with the intent that you are breathing it out and eventually it will lift.
A simple, yet powerful tool and one that you have with you at all times!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Full moon amplifies things by 40% and enables us to see in to the spaces
or places that we have not been willing, or able to see. It is a powerful opportunity to create healing. Read this message, take your time to hear the message being spoken to you and get clear on your intent. As you face things this month, I suggest you refer back to this insight message and see if it has answers and guidance contained within the message that help and support you along your journey.
The third and final eclipse for the year!
During the eclipse there is a moment of stillness, a pause. In this space you will be offered the opportunity to see yourself more clearly beyond the perceptions of the ego. To do this, you will need to focus on yourself and your connection to the whole. To the group!
This is a wonderful time where you can feel intuitively that things are coming to fruition. In preparation for your new harvest you will be required to let go of something that does not serve your highest intentions. What ever you are holding on to is outworn; this may be a relationship, possessions, limiting beliefs or addictions. Do not be weighed down from realizing your highest potential.
This is a closing of a chapter so a new chapter or story may emerge. One that is more aligned with your heart and your heart’s desires. This is not the time to work alone or to become absorbed in your own image of your life. This is a dynamic time to be part of the whole. Part of the group consciousness. Connect with your group and build a dynamic healing vision. This vision needs to encompass the whole.
Outworn confines that once served you are now ready to dissolve, your boundaries of how you once perceived yourself are going to be expanded. The ego must be put to rest in order for this to take place on a soulful level. You will be left for a time with the question, who am I?
More of the past must be laid to rest. There is a strong mothering energy surrounding you at this time. Issues of perceived mismothering will emerge and you will be asked to soften your feminine energy. Drop the stance of self- protection and be open, nurturing and find less aggressive responses and solutions.
In order to achieve this, you will need to remain connected to your feelings. You may feel tempted to withdraw and disconnect. Do not. This is the time to allow the cleansing waters to wash over you and wash away the pain. If you do not connect with your feelings, you will create a dam within and eventually the dam walls will burst. Make this a gentle process of letting go. Allow the Light to pierce through the veils of misperceptions and Truth will emerge.
Put the ego to rest, shed your pride and drama and stop focusing on ego self and turn to the needs of the whole, the group. Ask yourself, how am I contributing to the group? This is the time to create new ideas and new visions!
This is a birthing moment back in to Spirit. Pierce the veil of illusion and remember the Truth of who you are. This is a time of birthing. The full manifestations are not yet before you, however they are preparing to birth through you
You will be more sensitive during this time to images, television, movies and media. Be very clear and discerning on the dream images you absorb. Are they in alignment with your highest vision for yourself and for your group?
This is a highly creative time.
You are going to be made more aware of your body/mind connection.
It is time to touch the Real.
Love and Blessings
Kaye Doran
Shamanic journey taken with me on Wednesday 5th. Please contact if interested in participating