Tuesday, December 29, 2009

INSIGHT December 31st 2009

The year 2009 is coming to a close and the New Year 2010 is being called in to being under the illumination of a full moon. This is a very powerful time so potentially everything from emotions and thought processes will be amplified.

There will be a strong focus on home. Feeling at home within your own skin and in your place of dwelling. Feeling nurtured and loved, creating a feeling of safety is of the utmost importance at this time. All of these feelings must be addressed within yourself and offered to those closest to you.

Old beliefs tied in with feelings of belonging, feeling nurtured and experiencing a safe place to be may be activated now. Especially any energies to do with females. The past needs to be mindfully and consciously put to rest and the cords cut from expectations you have upon others to fulfil your needs. This is a time to reach in deep and soothe your inner self. Be soothing towards others.

You will feel drawn to be around beautiful places and beautiful people. This is important to do in order not to have the opposite triggered. Remember, this is the energy that you will be taking in to your New Year. Globally another cycle has come to completion and next year is a new beginning. Individually, as well as collectively.

You will need the feeling of spaciousness, as you will be experiencing a heightened sensitivity. This energy is about feeling safe, creating safety, feeling taken care of and caring for others.

You are being called to demonstrate love and loyalty. You will feel a strong pull towards being there for others. Be guided as you will need your intuition to know when to push or pounce and when to pull back and retreat.

This is also a time to find your wings. Release old feelings that keep you feeling lesser than, victimized, smothered or humiliated. These feelings no longer serve you. They are the old, outworn beliefs that cannot carry you forwards. Cut them loose.

During this heightened energy, become very clear on your vision for yourself, as you will be activating in a very powerful way during this moon.

Clear the space around you and create space and beauty.

Discard what no longer serves you. Physically, emotionally and mentally do a clean out.

Mindfully and consciously embody the qualities you desire to live with. Become your own inner parent and be the change you wish to see.

Love and Blessings
Kaye Doran

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