Monday, February 22, 2010

INSIGHT February 2010

Our psyche and bodies will be feeling a strong pull this month, as the Moon is closer than usual to the Earth. Do not struggle, as there is a major opportunity for change taking place. Old pathways are being erased and new ones will be discovered and begin to carve a new path for you.

There is a re-alignment to new possibilities and for this to take place you will need to develop or strengthen your faith. You may feel the strong desire to build a sense of stability and abundance within your life structure and at the same time experience an emotional energy of not wanting to action and build until your vision is clearer.

Because of this paradox and strong emotional energy, you might feel tempted to sit around and do nothing. It is important you do something, yet action in small manageable steps in order for your vision to emerge and align with your required actions.

Now is the time to listen to your heart. This can be an emotional time as the old washes away. The heart, if you allow it and listen, will inform you where you have been functioning from fear and how to move in to faith. Move from judgement in to acceptance. Now is the time to re-ignite what has been dimmed. Bringing more light in to yourself and your world. To listen to the heart you will need to be very disciplined with your meditation and courageous enough to be willing to look in to yourself. That means taking the spotlight off others.

It is time to explore the deep unconscious!

Just like in the times of Avalon, you will be asked to move from the world of your perceived reality and journey, with faith, through the mists in to the other world of magic and dreams. The place where visions are sought and seen! You cannot live there though and must return back through the mist in order to live amongst the ordinary as an extra-ordinary being.

As you navigate your way faithfully through this mist and possible waves of emotion, remember that you are being called to heighten your frequency and hold the energy of love in order to uplift yourself and humanity. Remember, all things are connected.

Allow this uplifting of faith and purpose to take place by participating in and consciously choosing to forgive. First you must forgive yourself and then forgive your past and others. Let go of the love of power and control and move in to the letting go power of Love.

Remember that things are amplified around 40% during this time, so choose to align with the highest healing and opportunities that is on offer by consciously aligning with this energy and it's message.

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